Our first chapel of the school year will be this Thursday, September 13th. Elementary Chapel will begin at 8 am. Middle and High School Chapel will begin at 9:30 am. Honors Dress is required.
Homecoming and Spirit Week
Please check school level announcements for specific Spirit days themes.
Upcoming Events
Sept 13 Chapel - Elementary at 8 am / Middle & High School 9:30 am
Sept 14 Moms in Prayer, 7:50 am, Room 3317 3rd Floor
Sept 17-21 Homecoming / Spirit Week
Sept 17 Seniors - Make-Up Picture Day
Sept 18 TK-11th Grade - Make-Up Picture Day
Sept 18 Parent Night 6:00 pm
Sept 24 Teacher Workday / No school for students
Individual School Announcements and Blogs